Latest Lewd Games News
Visual novel engine specifically designed for adult-oriented games
I am in the process of creating a web-based visual novel engine…
Please support your games creators! Most of the time the games they make aren’t profitable and are just passion projects, even just spreading the games name is enough to help them!
As a developer, I appreciate this post. Also, support is not just…
Skyrim Werewolf Taming
Hey everyone! ( [Modlist/FAQ]( via RedGIFs
Just playing with her clothes, she doesn’t seem amused (Elvenfoundry Dungeon) [SunbathGames]
Holy balls Amazing. You're a leader in the much needed field of…
Cheerleading practice appears to be proceeding wonderfully (TimeWizardStudios) [Another Chance]
Another Chance is completely free to play, and you can get the…
Unwrap Me Under the Mistletoe (TimeWizardStudios) [Another Chance]
Another Chance is completely free to play, and you can get the…
Don’t turn your back on Goblin – Pixel Sidescroller (Vampire’s Knight) [NubeeDev]
Hi! I'm NubeeDev, a solo h-game developer. I'm currently developing a sidescroller…